Associations are not one-size-fits-all, and neither are we. Our first priority is to analyze your association and make sure Lighthouse Association Management is the right fit for you. Once we understand who you are, who you want to be, and what is possible, we will develop a plan to help you, your members and your existing system of staff and directors transition into our shared time management system. We know change can seem daunting, so our team works closely with your team to make the transition to Lighthouse Association Management smooth and seamless. Your members won’t notice the back office is changing. They will notice their services are improving.
How we work
Team focus – We build teams around each client and client activities. There is no hierarchy. For each project, we first identify the people needed to achieve project success. Then we bring those people to the table. This flat culture creates a sense of ownership across the entire portfolio, not just specific tasks. Our physical office is designed similarly – to allow the open flow of information and learning.
Partnership – This is your organization. You control its future. Our job is to help you focus on developing the strategy, while we focus on the day-to-day execution. We believe in strong and active executive teams and boards of directors that work collectively to make the big decisions. We know how to support committees and task forces to make real progress on specific issues and activities.
Annual work planning – We work with each of our clients to develop an annual work plan and budget. This sets forth what you want to achieve in the upcoming year and our respective roles in helping get you there. Together we map out both strategy and operational goals. The final work plan and budget is one that you approve.
Long term relationships – We want a long term relationship with you. One that provides you the stability and the range of skills that you need. One that gives us a chance to understand your association inside and out, so we can better help you manage risk and reach your growth goals for years to come.
Risk & Reward – Most of our relationships also include a risk/reward component. We would like to share in your successful outcomes. Similarly, if your association does not profit under our management, we refund a portion of our fee. This system builds incentive and accountability into our relationship and is all clearly defined in our contract with you.
Results Lighthouse can help you achieve:
Enhanced growth and success – One of the largest events Lighthouse Association Management helps develop, plan and execute has grown by 48% in net revenues, including a 31% increase in vendor sales.
Increased membership numbers – Within one year, Lighthouse Association Management helped grow the Association of Marina Industries’ membership by 30% – the result of a three-pronged approach focused on retention, incremental growth and volume growth.
Reduced risk of human resources challenges – Sudden departure of key staff? It happens. But, Lighthouse has you covered. We have the excess capacity to cover your needs if and when it becomes necessary. The best part? It is our worry, not yours.
Improved financial monitoring and organization – We treat your association’s money like our own. You maintain complete financial control. We provide you with the financial details to make good decisions.
Flexibility – Offer your association the programming you always wanted – but lacked the time, energy, money and know-how to execute. Delivering your core services often means there is no time for testing and creating new products and services. We can help you deliver both! First, through our annual work planning process, and second, by providing you with access to our professional management capacity.